What Happens After a Tooth Implant Is Placed?

A tooth implant is an effective solution to missing teeth. It replaces the root of a lost or extracted tooth, allowing natural bone to grow around it and hold replacement teeth in place. The implant’s screw-like post also acts as a stable base for a crown that will look like your other teeth.남가좌동치과

Before any dental implants are placed, a patient must have the all-clear from their dentist and be in good overall health. Certain chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and leukemia, may interfere with healing after surgery. It is important to discuss your general health with your dentist and provide a complete list of medications you are taking. The dentist can then decide in coordination with your primary care doctor if you need to change any of your current medications before the procedure. In addition, smoking is a significant risk factor for complications related to implant surgery.

During the implant process, a periodontist (dental specialist) will first examine your jaw to determine if it’s strong enough to support an implant for a long time. If the jaw bone is too thin, a bone graft will be needed. This involves transferring bone tissue from elsewhere in the body or synthetic material to the jaw to strengthen or thicken it.

The dentist will then make an incision in the gum to expose the bone, and a hole will be created for the implant screw. The bone will need to heal from this incision before the next step. This is known as osseointegration, and it can take several months before the replacement tooth can be attached to the implant.

Infection at the implant site can occur if the wound is not cleaned properly. This can be treated with antibiotics or other medical treatment. In some cases, the implant will need to be removed. Infections can also affect the surrounding gum tissue or bone, which may require surgery to remove the infected tissue and repair any damage to the area.

Some patients can wait for a few months while the implant fuses with the bone, but others need to have a bridge or removable denture put in until the implant is fully healed. This means they’ll have to take out and clean their bridge or removable denture more often, and they won’t be able to chew as effectively.

One day dental implants are an alternative to this multi-step process, and they can help patients get their smile back more quickly. They’re not the same as traditional implants, but they’re still a safe and effective way to replace missing teeth. This option is ideal for people who want to avoid the hassle of having to deal with a temporary replacement. They’re also a great choice for those who don’t want to have to spend more than a few months waiting to get their replacement teeth.이일우치과