Causes For Wrist Lump and How to Treat It

wrist nodule

Having a wrist lump may not seem dangerous, but it can cause a lot of pain. If you are experiencing this type of lump, you may want to contact your doctor. There are several different causes for wrist lumps, so it is important to get a proper diagnosis. You should also know how to treat it. 손목 결절종 수술

One of the most common wrist lumps is a ganglion cyst. These cysts are fluid-filled, usually oval or round, lumps that often develop on the back of the wrist. These cysts form when connective tissue around the joint swells. The material inside the cyst may feel spongy or firm. They can be uncomfortable to touch, and they may lead to numbness, muscle weakness, and even loss of function.

The second most common hand mass is a giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath. These tumors are slow-growing and usually benign. The tumors can be removed easily. They are firm masses that can cause a great deal of discomfort.

Rheumatoid nodules are also common on the wrist. These round or linear bumps are firm, and they move when you press them. They can be accompanied by a reddish appearance. They are typically caused by repeated stress on the joints, such as playing sports or working. The pain is not always severe, but can get worse with joint movement.

There are other causes for wrist lumps, and these include tumors and fibromas. If you have a mass that causes symptoms, surgery may be recommended. If the lump is on the bottom of the wrist, a more complex procedure might be needed. During surgery, the surgeon removes the mass from the base of the wrist, and the area around it. If a tumor is near a joint, advanced imaging can be used to look for problems with that joint.

Another type of lump on the wrist is called an epidermal inclusion cyst. These cysts are typically firm and may become inflamed, but they are generally harmless. They can also be infected. These cysts can remain the same size over time, or they can grow in size. If they are infected, they can be painful. If you have a wrist lump that is infected, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Lipomas are also a common cause of wrist lumps. These lumps are fatty tumors. These cysts are most often benign, but some can be cancerous. If a lump on the wrist is cancerous, surgery might be required to remove the tumor.

Other common causes for wrist lumps are arthritis. If you have arthritis, you should make sure that the lump is treated. Physical therapy can be helpful, and you may be able to improve your range of motion. You can also help prevent joint deformity by taking disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. You can also use a warm, moist cloth to relieve pain and discomfort. If you have a fibroma, you can apply warm compresses to the area to help reduce the swelling. 강서구 정형외과