Hair Transplant Hair Loss Treatment

Hair transplant hair loss treatment is a surgical procedure that moves healthy, thick growth from one part of your head to the bald or thinning area. It is usually done in the doctor’s office and you will be given local anesthesia to numb your scalp. You may also be given medicine to relax you. The surgeon will either remove a strip of your hairy scalp (follicular unit strip surgery or FUSS) or individual hair follicles (follicular unit extraction, or FUE). The surgeon and hair technicians will then prepare the follicles for transplantation.

Once the follicles are prepared, they are then placed in tiny holes or slits in your scalp (usually with a needle). Depending on your needs and desired results, your surgeon will create hundreds to thousands of these grafts per session. The hair transplant procedure can take up to 4 hours or more. Once the grafts are in place, your surgeon will cover them with gauze or bandages for several days.

The follicles that have been transplanted will begin to grow new hair within a few months, and the hairline should continue to grow naturally after that time. 무모증모발이식 Your surgeon will monitor your progress and schedule regular appointments to ensure that you are growing healthy and natural-looking hair.

Most people will need a series of hair transplants in order to achieve the full head of hair that they desire. These treatments typically occur several months apart in order to allow the grafts to fully heal between sessions. Medical therapies such as minoxidil or finasteride may help to slow or even reverse any additional hair loss that occurs after the hair transplant.

Although many patients report a high degree of satisfaction with their hair restoration procedures, some people may experience unsatisfactory results or unexpected side effects. If you are unhappy with the results of your procedure, it is important to contact the clinic or doctor that treated you as soon as possible and discuss your concerns.압구정모발이식 If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you can also contact the Care Quality Commission or raise a complaint with the General Medical Council (GMC).

While a hair transplant can improve your appearance, it is important to have realistic expectations about what can be achieved. A successful outcome depends on the density and color of your remaining hair, and if it is thick or light in texture. Coarse hair offers better coverage than fine or dark strands.