How a Tooth Implant Works

A tooth implant is a metal anchor that replaces the root of a missing tooth. Dental implants have become the treatment of choice for replacing lost or damaged teeth, especially in the front of the mouth where aesthetics are important.북가좌동치과추천

Dental implants look, feel and function just like natural teeth. They are very durable and will last a lifetime with proper oral care. The best way to keep your implants in good condition is to visit the dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups.

Tooth implant procedures are done under local anaesthesia or conscious sedation to minimise discomfort and prevent complications. You should avoid smoking or using any tobacco products as it will hinder the healing process of the gums and bones. You should also bring a list of all medications and supplements you take. It is important to let your dentist know if you have any medical conditions that may interfere with your ability to tolerate the procedure or affect its outcome, such as uncontrolled diabetes or heart disease.

Before the procedure starts, the dentist will take X-rays and 3D images of your mouth and jaw to make sure you have enough healthy bone to support an implant. If the bone is too weak, a graft may need to be performed before adding the implant. The graft involves taking a small piece of bone from a different part of the body and moving it to the jaw site where the new implant will be placed.

After the graft heals, the implant is added to the jawbone. It takes a few months for the bone to grow around and fuse with the implant, a process called osseointegration. Once the implant is strong enough, a connector post — called an abutment — is attached to the post portion of the implant.

The final piece, a custom-made replacement tooth, is then attached to the abutment. The final tooth is often a crown, but can also be an implant-supported bridge or fixed denture.

You can expect the crown portion of your implant to last 10-15 years, though individual factors like your teeth grinding habits and bite will influence this. If you don’t maintain a good brushing and flossing routine, your crown might need to be replaced sooner than you’d expect.이일우치과