The Importance of Hairline Calibration

Hairline calibration

The Importance of Hairline Calibration

A good hairline is a key element of the face and helps to frame it. If you have a receding hairline it can make you look older than you are and may also give the impression that you don’t have any hair at all. This is why it is so important to get it right and to make sure that you have a hairline that will be sustainable over time. There are a number of things that can be done to correct a receding hairline, including scalp micropigmentation. However, many people choose to go for a more permanent option and this is where hairline calibration comes into play.압구정헤어라인교정병원

The goal of Hairline calibration is to ensure that your hairline is set at a position on the scalp that will be sustainable and that it will be aesthetically pleasing. During a preoperative assessment, the hairline should be evaluated in terms of its height and whether or not it will be able to be adequately camouflaged by the frontal scalp tissue post surgery.

During the preoperative consultation, the height of the initial hairline should be measured by choosing a point over the glabella and moving it superiorly. This will help to standardize the measurement and can be helpful when determining if the scalp has sufficient laxity to support a high forehead reconstruction. If the initial hairline is too high, it may be necessary to perform a series of galeotomies to lower the forehead.

All mature male faces have a pattern of an anterior hairline (AHL) that separates the face from the scalp. The location and design of this AHL vary with facial structures but they all adhere to the phi (golden ratio) in their proportions.모우다의원