What is the Cause of Bad Breath?

Bad breath is sometimes a sign of an underlying health problem. It can also be the result of poor dental health habits and certain foods you eat. It may even indicate that you have gum disease or are diabetic. If you have halitosis, your dentist and doctor can help you treat the cause of the odors and eliminate them from your mouth.입냄새한의원추천

The most common cause of bad breath is not brushing or flossing your teeth often enough. This allows bacteria to grow in your mouth, which produces a foul odor. Food particles that get stuck in your teeth can also produce a foul smell when they break down. In addition, smoking, some foods (such as onions or garlic), and a dry mouth can contribute to bad breath.

To fight halitosis, you should brush and floss your teeth at least twice per day. In addition, you should use an antimicrobial mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen your breath. You should also eat healthy foods that require a lot of chewing, such as carrots and apples, to encourage saliva production. If you have a dry mouth, you can try chewing sugar-free gum or suck on sugarless candy to increase your saliva flow.

Your doctor or dentist can test your breath to see if the odors are caused by something other than tooth decay, gum disease, infections in the throat or nose, or dry mouth. They may ask you about the foods you eat, how often you smoke, and what medications you take. In addition, your doctor may recommend that you keep a log of the foods and drinks you consume and any illnesses or conditions that affect your breath odors.

If the odors are not caused by mouth or throat problems, you might be referred to your family physician or a specialist for further evaluation. Infections in the lungs, sinuses, or throat; bronchitis; and liver or kidney diseases can also cause unpleasant breath odors.

If you have halitosis, it is important to visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups. Your dentist can detect gum disease, infections, and other causes of bad breath early on and treat them before they become serious health problems. You should also keep a diary of the foods you eat and the medications you take, as some of these can contribute to mouth odors. In most cases, treating the underlying health condition will improve your breath and alleviate any embarrassment you might feel about having bad breath. The most common cause of bad breath is not taking care of your teeth and mouth, but it can be prevented with good oral hygiene, regular checkups, and a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. If the halitosis does not respond to these measures, your doctor can advise you on other treatment options.해우소한의원