Tips For Making Greek Yogurt

Making Greek yogurt is a wonderful way to save money on your groceries and get the creamy, tangy taste you love. It’s surprisingly easy, too!그릭요거트그래놀라

To make your own greek yogurt, simply heat some milk until it’s 185 degrees F. Then, add a little bit of live natural yogurt (or plain store-bought yogurt) to the warm milk and stir well to combine. Then let it sit, undisturbed, for at least 8 hours until it’s thick and tangy. Then, you can refrigerate it until cold and enjoy!

The key to this recipe is letting the yogurt drain long enough to separate out the thick, rich whey. That’s what makes real Greek yogurt so much different from the stuff you buy in the stores- the big industrial manufacturers take a shortcut to speed up the process and get their product out the door, but that shortcut can also give it a pasty, chalky feel that most people don’t find pleasant.

This is a simple, inexpensive method that you can use in any kitchen to get the deliciously creamy Greek yogurt that so many people swear by. Plus, it’s an excellent way to recycle the whey that is a byproduct of the process, and it’s chock full of protein and calcium and other nutrients!

If you’re not keen on letting the yogurt sit out in the open, you can also try a slow cooker. Just pre-heat the oven to the lowest temperature it can go, then turn it off, and place the pot of yogurt into the slow cooker, wrapping the entire thing in a towel for extra warmth and insulation. Be sure to check on the yogurt occasionally to make sure it doesn’t overflow.

Alternatively, you can try a warm spot in your house, such as a cupboard or even a warm laundry room! It’s important to have a consistent temperature to ensure that the good bacteria multiply and thicken the milk. A crockpot filled with water turned on the “warm” setting can also work well if you don’t have any other hot spots in your home.

Another great tip is to keep a small portion of each batch of homemade Greek yogurt to use as the starter for your next batch. You can freeze a spoon or two of each batch in an ice cube tray and then defrost them when you’re ready to make more. This will save you a lot of time in the future and help your batch of new homemade yogurt get off to a good start! Happy yogurt-making!베어그릭스